Ibiza Naked white plus

Project developed for the five-star hotel on the island of Ibiza, Hacienda Na Xamena.

Edition of 100 copies, 102 pages, 48 black and white plates never published before, 17x 24 cm. ISBN: 978-84-09-13437-3.

First page with hotel logo. White hardcover, has the same look and feel as the walls of traditional Ibiza houses. The spine is bare, naked, like the title Ibiza Naked White Plus. An elastic band closes the book suggesting the idea of a travel notebook.


Publicado por y para . Caracterizado como art hotel cinco estrellas gran lujo.

Commisionated by Ibiza Gran Hotel, five-star, art hotel on the island of Ibiza.

Edition of 300 copies, 94 pages, 37 black and white plates, 17x 24cm. ISBN: 978-84-6067433-7.

First page with logo and second page with an introductory text about the hotel. Burgos picture cover made of cotton in serga. The fabric traditionally used by shepherds for their saddlebags. Black leather label with the hotel logo and intro text about the hotel company. White hard cover, made from recycled fabrics. It has the same look and feel as the walls of traditional Ibiza houses. The spine of the book is bare, naked, like the title itself Ibiza Naked White suggests.